Stuffed Pomfret / पुरणाचे पापलेट
Stuffed Pomfret / पुरणाचे पापलेट I have no clue how many times I have edited my first line. It is so difficult to express our love for fish. Fish is one of our staple food. SKP's are well known for their own fish recipes. Seafood is a coastal treat for us, there are a variety of fishes with various recipes. Today we are going to write on a very famous fish which is cherished by everyone, non-other than pomfret. Here are some interesting facts about Pomfret. This fish belonging to the family Bramidae . The family currently includes 20 species across the globe. The earlier form of the pomfret's name was pamphlet a word which probably ultimately comes from Portuguese pampo . They are found in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. This fish is introduced by foreigners in India Let's begin with the recipe crusty stuffed pomfret. Many other communities do prepare stuffed pomfret. We are sharing SKP's style stuffed pomfret / ...